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Toples Women
JENNY (Age 38)
Women from: Edgewood, Maryland, USA couple looking for fun married couple for 16 years been together for 20 years so were a very secure couple looking for some fun view 2 photossend a wink
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KARYN (Age 38)
figure me out ;] I want a man who can cherish me to the fullest. who's gonna make me happy and be romantic and facionate view 5 photossend a wink
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LETA (Age 32)
Horny Women Edgewood MD Lovely Man I am a lovely man looking for woman for a serious relationship. view 4 photossend a wink
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im a ny professional looking for hot sexy women IM 35 6'5" 210 lbs brown hair blue eyes view 2 photossend a wink
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a Woman from Edgewood, Maryland and I am looking for a nice chat and if it clicks, something more... I get pussy view 7 photossend a wink
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ANITA (Age 27)
I'm a Sexy bi female from Edgewood state Maryland that's looking for a sexy women that know how to enjoy Looking for a good time view 1 photosend a wink
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PHYLLIS (Age 20)
new to Washington and looking for other couples My wife and I are new to the Spokane area. We both enjoy the outdoors, going to movies, cooking and going out to listen to good music. We both drink, but just socially. view 8 photossend a wink
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KEISHA (Age 29)
am lonely here for you!!! Am a single lady never been to a relationship..I use to have a guy that am dating but he went to get married with my friend and i dont know wht to do cos i have really love him so much but i think i have to go away from him cos i dont know what to do again cos i have love him so much... Am looking for an honest man careing man loeving man..I want the man that will make me happy for the rest of my life and that will not allow me to feel lonly for any minute...I dont mind age all i want is my soul mate and no GAMES.... view 8 photossend a wink
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BETHANY (Age 31)
I'm chilled idk I'm newto this if u want know ask view 2 photossend a wink
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CHRIS (Age 36)
positive/good to be around/ average build/ polite/ satisfying view 3 photossend a wink
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LATOYA (Age 24)
im keen for wat ever hey i'm 6 6 train hard work i'm fit looking to meet people view 6 photossend a wink
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TAMMY (Age 35)
fuck freinds fsfssfjskhhfhhshfhfshfshfshfshfsfdh view 5 photossend a wink
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WANDA (Age 31)
a Girl looking for a guy in Edgewood, Maryland I aim to please view 2 photossend a wink
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TANIA (Age 35)
fuck me good interested in only sex fun new things anything goes view 2 photossend a wink
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MELANIE (Age 21)
a lonely female located in Edgewood, Maryland looking for a male or guy I want beautiful woman for love view 1 photosend a wink
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SYLVIA (Age 38)
Mild manerd like one on relationships looking for passonit lady view 6 photossend a wink
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KARINA (Age 25)
I'm here to seek an unobtrusive, exotic relationship with man that is sexxy. I'm single and looking for some thrills in my life that is mundane view 8 photossend a wink
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VALERIE (Age 34)
COUPLE SEEKING THREESOME we are both deeply in love. however would like to try something new. our first time for both. need someone that will make us comfortable and not need more than what we want. view 7 photossend a wink
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